Botanical name: pelargonium ordorantisimum
Use: One of the true balancing oils. It is an antidepressant and antiseptic. Good for skin care. It works as a great hormone balancer in all hormone related conditions which makes it useful in menstrual disorders. Relieves pain, fights infection, stops cuts from bleeding. Tightens and tones tissue. Diminishes depression, lowers blood sugar levels. Reduces fluid retention
Perfume Note: Middle
Blends well with: Neroli, Rosewood, Fennel, Vetiver, Frankincense, Rose
Source: entire plant
Production method: steam distillation
Aromatherapy benefits: balancing, calming, harmonizing
Aroma type: sweet, rosy, minty
Warning: Can lower your blood sugar level
Safety Information: Avoid if you are hypoglycemicGeranium is wonderful for all skin types. It helps to release anger and negative memories. It can be used for to calm and clarify any situation. Inhaling geranium can ease anxiety and tension on both a mental and physical level. The strong properties of geranium essential oil prevent bacteria or microbes from developing on wounds and keeps This boost to the immune system allows the body’s defensive cells to focus on the internal challenges. Geranium essential oil is very beneficial in the treatment of acne, dermatitis and other skin diseases, as well as infections of the nose, throat and other respiratory organs.
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